Conference Presentations

Both Stef and Steve are conference speakers of the highest order. Having won just about every award in their respective country’s speaking profession (indeed in South Africa the top speaking award is named after Stef!), Steve and Stef craft riveting presentations for audiences across the world. Their presentations are practical, humorous, fast paced and always give delegates fresh, new insights.

UGRs Stock Take

Thanks to world-first research into UGRs conducted alongside two Australian universities, we have created a completely new way of unearthing the prevailing UGRs via what we call a UGRs Stock Take. This isn’t a standard culture measurement tool – rather we work from the premise that leaders must first have agreement on those cultural attributes that need to be in place to ensure the organisation’s future success. Then we can identify the prevailing UGRs linked to those Key Cultural Attributes.

Learn more about the UGRs Stock Take here


Our workshops dig deep into UGRs – what they are, how they drive people’s behaviours
and what can be done to align UGRs with those aspects of the culture necessary for the organisation’s future success (or to align with current Values). We design workshops according to context and work first with leaders, and then with all employees. We can include sharing of the results of an online UGRs Stock Take or indeed can perform a ‘manual’ UGRs Stock take in the room. Our workshops run from half a day to multiple days.

Train the Trainer

A powerful approach to developing in-house expertise in culture change involves us training UGRs Champions. Normally undertaken after a UGRs Stock Take, the Champions can be involved in analysis of the Stock Take results. We equip the Champions with a raft of resources to help them spread the UGRs message across the organisation by providing them with videos, Powerpoint slides, our UGRs Re-energiser series, Facilitator notes and various other resources. Training is normally between two and five days.


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