If you improved workplace culture by, say 5%, would everyone in your team feel it? Would a 5% improvement in organisational culture have such an impact that most people in your organisation would notice a difference? We’d guess the answer to these questions is ‘no’. That’s because culture is such a complex thing – so
It’s strange in many respects that in this era, when there is and has been so much change happening, people are so resistant to organisational change. So how do you get people passionate about change? The straight answer to this is – you don’t! Not all of them any way. Let’s face it – we
In my mid 20s, I was seconded from my role as a teacher into the head office of the Education Department. During the five years I spent in head office, I was invited to be part of a team that provided leadership training to school leaders. I remember that one of the first sessions I
What is the relationship between a medical procedure, a quote from a printing company, and a typical work meeting? Steve Simpson argues that ‘silence’ is the bond between these experiences – and it’s not golden… I’d like to share three scenarios – as the reader, see if you can decipher what these apparently diverse scenarios

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